Partners for Clean Water; Business and Organizsation Contributors

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Water Quality Monitoring set to Resume in Rincon

After an extended break, due to financial constraints, our chapter is pleased to announce that with the help of the community we raised enough money to reinstate our water quality monitoring program in Rincon. We are set to resume testing on Tuesday April 27th 2010. From that Tuesday on, our chapter will be monitoring various sites in Rincon and around the west coast of Puerto Rico to locate sources of land-based sources of pollution, to notify the public about unhealthy swimming conditions, and provide our results to area agencies to assist in working towards cleaner water for everyone including Puerto Rico's precious marine resources.

Figure 1. The water quality monitoring sites are indicated by a yellow star. These sites will be monitored every Tuesday beginning on April 27th. Results will be sent out on Wednesdays.

Figure 2. Our previous 17 month water quality monitoring program, at the sites above, indicated a bimodal distribution of contamination events. The most contamination events occurred during the wet season. The sites with the most frequent contamination events were South Barrero, Rincon's public beach, and Rio Grande.

This new program will be sampling major streams in Rincon i.e Rio Grande, and Rio Grande de Calvache (el Ultimo Brinco and Almendras), as well as largely popular beaches like Steps and Rincon's public beach. All of these areas when sampled in the previous program, except for Steps beach, where the most frequently contaminated sites. Click here to search results from the previous water quality monitoring program.

Las pruebas al agua no son baratas! Si usted o su negocio se interesan en expandir nuestro programa a otros lugares de Rincon, Aguada o Anasco, al cubrir los costos de monitoreo ($50. mensual por sitio). Por favor comuniquese con nosotros acerca de nuestro programa "Adopta una Playa."

Water testing isn’t cheap! If you or your business is interested in expanding our program to others sites in Rincon, Aguada or Anasco, by covering the costs of monitoring ($50 per site/month), please contact us about our ‘Adopt a Beach’ program.

For more information, or to volunteer to assist with this program, please contact Steve at

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic news! The Blue Water Task Force water testing and monitoring is one of the most important Surfrider programs. Kudos to the folks that organized the benefit dinner and the participating businesses.
